आयतन 9, मुद्दा 3 (2017)
शोध आलेख
Correlation between diffusion tensor imaging and histological brain injury in ventilated preterm lambs
Dhafer M Alahmari,Samantha K Barton, Robert Galinsky, Ilias Nitsos, Anzari Atik, Michael Farrell, JamesTodd Pearson*# & Graeme R Polglase #
शोध आलेख
Radiation burden of hepatocellular carcinoma screening program in hepatitis B virus patients should we recommend magnetic resonance imaging instead?
Ophelia Wong, Suong Le, Ronnie Ptasznik, Gideon Ptasznik & Mark Page*
शोध आलेख
Thyroid shield during brain CT scan: dose reduction and image quality evaluation
Abuzaid MM*, Elshami W, Haneef C & Alyafei S
शोध आलेख
A Novel approach for the detection of tumor in brain MR images and its classification via Independent Component Analysis and Kernel Support Vector Machine
Sandhya. G, Giri Babu.Kande, Satya Savithri.T