आयतन 14, मुद्दा 6 (2022)
छवि लेख
Folding Fan Sign of Closed-Loop Obstruction
Koki Kawanishi1*, Yoshifumi Ikeda1, Masayuki Kitano2
मामला का बिबरानी
A Rare Case of Synchronous Gastric Signet Ring Cell Adenocarcinoma Metastasis at the Right Colon Angle
SeifeddineBaccouche1, Sarraj Achref1, Mohamed Hajri1, Osman Rania1, Wael Ferjaoui1*,Ahlem Lahmer2, Sana ben Slama2, DhouhaBacha2
शोध आलेख
Aortic Arch Calcification and Novel Markers of Subclinical Atherosclerosis on Lung CT: Methodology and Reproducibility in the COPD Gene Study
Matthew J Budoff*, Ilana S Golub, Suvasini Lakshmanan, Suraj Dahal, Stephanie Kristo, Lucia Schroeder, Orly Termeie, Venkat Manubolu, Luay Hussein, Dhiran Verghese, Ahmed M Shafter, Richard Casaburi, Sion K Roy