आयतन 5, मुद्दा 4 (2015)
क्लिनिकल ट्रेल पद्धति
Statistical inference of adaptive randomized clinical trials for personalized medicine
Feifang Hu, Yanqing Hu, Wei Ma, Lixin Zhang & Hongjian Zhu
क्लिनिकल ट्रेल पद्धति
Using simulation to optimize adaptive trial designs: applications in learning and confirmatory phase trials
Jurgen Hummel, Song Wang & John Kirkpatrick
क्लिनिकल ट्रेल पद्धति
Multi-arm clinical trials with treatment selection: what can be gained and at what price?
Thomas Jaki
क्लिनिकल ट्रेल परिप्रेक्ष्य
Monitoring rules for toxicity in Phase II oncology trials
Anastasia Ivanova, Guochen Song, Olga Marchenko & Stergios Moschos