
The prevalence of intoxications in the pediatric ages in pediatric repart of Vlora Hospital

Evis Allushi

Introduction In our daily life we use o lot of chimicals substances that in general they become an intoxication recourse in adults but mostly in pediatric ages. Their maintaing in bad conditions or bad using of them may result in intoxication of pediatric ages.This axidentaly intoxication are most frequently in children of 5 years old,but especially in childrens from 1-3 years old. Intoxication in children can be a very severe situation,situation in whiches they can even dies. Intoxication means a pathologic situation caused by an ekzogenic or endogenic substance that can be toxic because of its natyre or its dosage. The Aim The evalution of frequency and distribution of intoxications refering to their place of living,age,gender in pediatric repart of Vlora hospital in aim to clarify the etiology. General objectiv dhe specific objectivs The evalution of frequency and distribution of intoxications The spread of the cases that came in hospital during all the months of the year The evalution of the months during the whiches intoxication has been much often. The evalution of the number of childrens because of each causes Which has been the ages must often with intoxication The material and the method This is a description study realized from January up to December 2008-2010 in pediatric repart of vlora hospital.The objective of the material and the method that has been used is to study all the clinical carts of the hospitalizied childrens with this diagnose and the distribution of them during all the months of the year,the causes,the percent of the cases of each cause
