
Perceived Effective Psychological Well-Being and Social Support of Mothers with Disabled Children (Indigenous Approach)

Jena N and Khuntia P K

The research is aimed at finding a connection between psychological wellbeing and social support for mothers with children with disabilities. This study comprised 112 disabled daughters. General health questionnaire-Scale of 12 and multi-dimensional social support was used on the sample chosen using purposeful sampling technique. The findings suggest the inverse co-relationship between psychological well-being and social support. Chi-square values indicate substantial disparity between the psychological well-being and social support of mothers in relation to mother employment, family percapita income and child education.

The 't' test indicates substantial difference in the psychological health and social support of the mother. The study indicates that mum's psychological well-being may be poor regardless of the strong perceived social support. By meditation and yoga therapy, mothers may be taught to use this perceived social help to improve their overall well-being. Yoga therapy aims at creating a high level of awareness within a person that makes him / her understand the roots of stress and ensures happiness and happiness for all future times.


The aim of this study was

  • to assess the PMI and FICD factors structure,
  • to assess their internal consistency and temporal stability,
  • Checking validity using specific and divergent methods,
  • Measuring predictive validity over 1 year, and
  • Evaluating bias in relation to social desirability.

First, we hypothesized that factor analysis would support a uni-dimensional PMI structure and a two-dimensional FICD structure (Positive and Negative subscales).

The FICD was conceived as a single measure of the cognitive assessment of the CWD family con-sequences. We anticipated positive relationships, positive impact, and self-efficacy between the FICD Positive subscale and global well-being measures.  We expected negative relationships with the FICD Negative subscale and family assessment measures adjustment, global well-being, positive impact, and efficiency of self. Finally, we hypothesized that the PMI and FICD Positive and Negative subscales would predict maternal depressive symptoms, parental stress, family hardship and family adaptation over a 1-year period.

The PMI is a 10-point measure designed to capture positive spirits, psychological energy, and CWD parenting enthusiasm. Six items were scored in reverse, so all items were pointed in the same direction on the scale; all items were summed up to create a score of totals. Higher scores suggest higher parenting morale. A Canadian study with a sample of 111 CWD mothers’ Moderate correlations between PMI and PSI-SF scores and PMI and FAM scores.

A principal varimax rotation analysis of components yielded a solution with one underlying element.

The FICD is a 20-item measure designed to evaluate parents' assessment of their child's family consequences of having a disability. Item responses on two subscales range from 1 to 4: FICD Positive and FICD negative. FICD Scores of both positive and negative were obtained by summing the items in each subscale. An exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation resulted in a two-factor solution with item loading on positive and negative subscales and the FICD was correlated with parenting stress (r1⁄4.64) and family adjustment at the same time. Positive and negative subscales of FICD have not been significantly linked to social desirability.

Validation measures were chosen

  • For consistency with constructions in the stress and coping process model
  • Psychometric sound effects,
  • suitability for the population,
  • Capture capacity builds up essential for successful adaptation.

Often considered were the responsibility of the respondent, the prejudice in response to social desirability, and order of interventions. Measures were ordered to begin with general family information, then move into more emotionally laden information and end with demographic information, plus a gift certificate offer. Measures could not be counterbalanced since the order was in the delivery format of CATI.

Important predictors were the PMI and FICD Positive and Negative subscales, which together explained 30 per cent of the difference in maternal depressive symptoms one year later. The PMI made the largest contribution to the variation described in maternal depressive symptoms; it did not make a statistically important contribution to the FICD subscales. Together, 36 per cent of the difference in parental stress was explained by the PMI and FICD Positive and Negative subscales. The PMI again made the greatest contribution to the variance explained, while the FICD subscales made an additional, statistically relevant contribution to the variance explained in the stress of parenting.

When the PMI and FICD sub-scales are used to predict family hardness a slightly different pattern emerges. Nevertheless, only the FICD Positive subscale makes a statistically important contribution to the amount of variation described in family hardiness. This pattern is similar when the PMI and FICD subscales are used to explain family adjustment variances.

A sample of mum respondents is limited to this research. Future studies must include fathers, given the differences in parental responses to CWD. Previous PMI and FICD studies validated a face-to - face delivery format, and the results of this study validated the delivery by telephone. A validation of internet and mailed delivery formats will require future studies. The diversity in the sample allows for generalization with a range of family income for rural and urban mothers. Nevertheless, the Canadian study consisted primarily of mothers of European descent, and thus the findings cannot be generalized across cultures. Future research must provide examples of a cultural diversity.

In this study, the wide range of ages for children was a threat to internal validity. However, this age range is representative of the children served by FSCD and thus strengthens the study findings' ecological validity. In addition, future research is required to determine whether the PMI and FICD can be used repeatedly to monitor changes in the psychological well-being of mothers as a result of services for children with disabilities. Finally, for this analysis the low Cronbach alpha on the SDS indicates that outcomes linked to prejudice in the response to social desirability need to be treated with caution.

Maternal cognitive evaluation of the family impacts of childhood illness and parental confidence are not clear assessment problems that can be readily resolved and quick-ly grasped during brief service intake interviews. It is crucial that clinicians should not presume that by Evaluating Psychological Well-Being when a child has a severe impairment that this would necessarily lead to family distress.

Many mothers will respond with positive coping and resilience to the challenge of childhood disability. Identifying situations where there is an increased risk of maternal and family distress, however, is important. Our study results suggest that the FICD and PMI can supplement and enrich a service intake interview when considering the need for resources to support the care of their CWD
