Effectivity of therapeutic lifestyle changes in cardiology-Farsky Stefan-Slovak League against Hypertension-Dom srdca Zelená-Slovakia
Farsky StefanIschaemic heart disease (IHD)and stroke are the world’s biggest killers. The good news is that 80% of cardiovascular diseases can be prevented with healthy lifestyle habits. The most effective approach to improve this situation is the reduction of risk factors levels. Small positive shifts of risk factors, across a whole population consistently leads to greater reductions in disease burden than the huge investment to the new drugs and devices including invasive procedures. We present some concrete examples of daily menu and adequate exercise proposals how to change to reach recommended risk factors values. Decrease of safa about to 10% from daily energy intake and their substitution by polyunFA leads to decline cardiovascular risk about 20-30% 2% increase in energy intake from trans fatty acids increases IHD risk by 23% 30 g unsalted nuts daily decreases cardiovascular risk about 30% 7 g/day higher intake of total fibre is associated with a 9% lower risk of IHD and a 10 g/day higher fibre intake is associated with a 16% lower risk of stroke and a 6% lower risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus effective physical activities 150 to 300 min. of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise each week lead to a 31% reduction in all-cause mortality Secondary prevention ACVR programs, based on regular exercising, have reduced total mortality 15- 28%, cardiovascular mortality 26-31% Non-inclusion of the patient in the secondary prevention program ACVR has increased mortality 28% The increase of BMI about 5kg/m2 leads to increase of mortality risk about 30% and about 40% risk of IHD, stroke and other vascular diseasesTogether: 80% of cardiovascular diseases can be prevented with healthy lifestyle habits.