
Aimed at estimating the daily global solar radiation at the new site

Theodore Hughes-Riley

The research is aimed at estimating the daily global solar radiation at the new site of Federal University Dutsin-ma, KatsinaState, Northwest Nigeria, between March2018 to April 2019. The Study a realies exactly between longitude7o 30ÃÃÂ?âÂ?Â?ÃÂ?ŽÂÃÂ?âÂ?Â?ÃÂ?âÂ?Â?20.32o E of the Greenwhich meridian and latitude12o 27ÃÃÂ?âÂ?Â?ÃÂ?ŽÂÃÂ?âÂ?Â?ÃÂ?âÂ?Â?38.66o N of the equator. This research made use of HargreavesSamani equation in estimating the amount of solar radiation on the proposed buildings using minimum and maximum temperature results obtained to predict the amount of solar radiated and also, Added the formulation of mode lt as certain the performance of the structures